Monday - Friday | 9am - 6:30pm
Agency Booking Terms & Conditions

Agency Booking Terms & Conditions

Our Holiday Centre is a trading name of Arrivia Europe Ltd., a company registered in England under company number 03793955, whose registered office is at Belmont House, 2nd Floor - Unit 3, 148 Belmont Road, Uxbridge, England, UB8 1QS (“Arrivia”). The following Booking Conditions, together with our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and the General Information found in our publications and on our website, form the basis of your contract with Arrivia (“contract”). Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. In these Booking Conditions, “you” and “your” means all persons named on the Booking Form (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date). “We”, “us” and “our” means Arrivia. We may from time to time need to amend the terms of this contract with you. In the event we do materially amend the terms of this contract we will send you and email to the email address you have provided us with in the Booking Form, notifying you of these changes. If you no longer wish to proceed with the booking on these revised terms, you may cancel this contract with us and receive a refund of any monies that you have paid to us under the contract for services or products you have not yet received. All terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time without notice; any any minor amendments to this contract will be posted on the Website and you will receive a 'pop-up' the next time you access our Website notifying you of such changes.

Bookings are made over the telephone, by email or via our website. We will take details of your proposed booking by telephone, email or via our website from the lead traveller, who makes the booking on behalf of the whole group. Travel products and services are subject to availability.


  1. CONTRACT: These are the terms on which we will make a booking for your travel or holiday requirements. When making your booking we will arrange for you to enter into a contract with the principal(s) or other supplier(s) (e.g. tour operator/airline/cruise company/accommodation company) named on your receipt(s). We can book for you a package holiday, in which case you will have one contract with the principal, or we can book the services that make up your holiday with different principals or suppliers, in which case you will have separate contracts with each of them. As agent, we accept no responsibility for the acts or omissions of the principal(s) or supplier(s) or for the services provided by them. The principal’s or supplier’s (s’) Terms & Conditions will apply to your booking and we advise you to read these carefully as they do contain important information about your booking. Please ask us for copies of these Terms and Conditions if you do not have them although we will provide you with a copy of them at the time of booking. All travel arrangements which we provide or which are sold through us are not an offer by us to sell any travel arrangements, but an invitation to you to make an offer to the suppliers of the arrangements. We are free to accept that offer on behalf of those suppliers or to reject it.
  2. BOOKING DETAILS: When a booking is made all details and the total price of the package includisve of all taxes and additional fees will be made immediately available to you. Once you have confirmed these details we will proceed to confirm the booking with the principal(s) or supplier(s). A legally binding contract is formed upon us issuing you with a bookng confirmation from the relevant principal(s) or supplier(s). Please check that all names, dates and times are correct on receipt of all documents and advise us of any errors immediately. Any changes to these details will incur the charges stated in clause 4 below. Please ensure that the names given are the same as in the relevant passport. The booking information that you provide to us will be passed on only to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements or other persons necessary for the provision of your travel arrangements. The information may therefore be provided to public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law. This applies to any sensitive information that you give to us such as details of any disabilities, or dietary and religious requirements. Certain information may also be passed on to security or credit checking companies. If you are travelling to the United States, the US Customs and Border Protection will receive this information for the purposes of preventing and combating terrorism and other serious transnational crimes. If you travel outside the European Economic Area (EEA), controls on data protection may not be as strong as the legal requirements in the EEA. If we cannot pass this information to the relevant suppliers, whether in the EEA or not, we will be unable to provide your booking. Full details of our data protection policy are available (here).
  3. PAYMENT: You will be required to pay a deposit or make full payment for your booking at the time of booking. We will issue to you a booking confirmation which will specify the different travel services and the different travel suppliers that we have booked with your behalf. Where you only pay a deposit, you must pay the full balance by the balance due date communicated to you in your booking confirmation. If full payment is not received by the balance due date, we will notify the principal(s) or supplier(s), who may cancel your booking and charge the cancellation fees set out in their Terms and Conditions.
  4. CANCELLATION and AMENDMENT: Unlike other off-premises contracts, unless you are a Portugues or Belgium national, there are limited rights of withdrawal from any booking which we have summarised in this clause for any Portugues and Belgium nationals please see the country specific rules at clause 12 below. Any cancellation or amendment request must be sent to us in writing and will not take effect until received by us. If you cancel or amend your booking, the principal(s) or supplier(s) may charge the cancellation or amendment charge shown in their Terms and Conditions (which may be 100% of the cost of the travel arrangements) and you must pay us the cancellation or amendment charge stated below.
  5. INSURANCE: 1) Many principals/suppliers require you to take out travel insurance as a condition of booking with them. In any event, we strongly advise that you take out a policy of insurance in order to cover you and your party against the cost of cancellation by you (if all requirements are satisfied); the cost of assistance (including repatriation) in the event of accident or illness; loss of baggage and money; and other expenses. If we have issued your policy please check it carefully to ensure that all the details are correct and that all relevant information has been provided by you (e.g. pre-existing medical conditions). Failure to disclose relevant information will affect your insurance. 2) We can also offer you insurance against the financial failure of the principal(s)/ suppliers(s) of your travel arrangements. This is highly recommended where you would not otherwise be protected when you buy a no-frills flight. Further details will be provided at time of booking.
  6. FINANCIAL PROTECTION: All the package holidays we sell, including those that we might organise for you, come with protection for your money. If you buy a single travel service then this might not apply. Package holidays are protected by the package organiser and we will provide you with their confirmation.

    If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday via this website, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Regulations 2018.Therefore, Arrivia will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider.
    Arrivia has taken out insolvency protection with ABTA – The Travel Agency. Travellers may contact ABTA at 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ;; 0203117 0539 if the services are denied because of Arrivia’s insolvency. Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than between you and Arrivia, which can be performed despite insolvency.
    Website address where the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations of 2018 can be found here:
    More information on key rights under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 can be found here:

  7. DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS: Most documents (e.g. invoices/tickets/Insurance policies) that you will require will be sent to you by via email. In some cases, we may be required to post documents out to you. Once documents leave our offices we will not be responsible for their loss unless such loss is due to our negligence. If tickets or other documents need to be reissued all costs must be paid by you.
  8. PASSPORTS, VISAS AND HEALTH: We can provide general information about the passport and visa requirements for your trip. Your specific passport and visa requirements, and other immigration requirements are your responsibility and you should confirm these with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates. Neither we nor the principal(s) or supplier(s) accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any passport, visa or immigration requirements. Most countries now require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. Please take special note that for all air travel within the British Isles, the airlines require photographic identification of a specific type. Please ask us for full details. We can provide general information about any health formalities required for your trip but you should check with your own doctor regarding your specific circumstances.
  9. FINAL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Please ensure that all your travel, passport, visa and insurance documents are in order and that you arrive in plenty of time for checking in at the airport. It may be necessary to reconfirm your flight with the airline prior to departure. Please ask us for details at least 72 hours before your outbound flight. You should take a note of any reference number or contact name when reconfirming. If you fail to reconfirm you may be refused permission to board the aircraft and you are unlikely to receive any refund.
  10. SERVICE CHARGES: In certain circumstances, we apply a service charge for the services we provide the applicable service charges will be provided and disclosed to you prior to your booking.
  11. COMPLAINTS WITH THE TRAVEL PROVIDER: Because the contract(s) for your travel arrangements is between you and the principal(s) or supplier(s), any queries or concerns relating to the travel arrangements should be addressed to the relevant travel provider or agent. If you have a problem whilst on holiday, this must be reported to the principal/supplier or their local supplier or agent, immediately. If you fail to follow this procedure there will be less opportunity for the appropriate party to investigate and rectify your complaint. The amount of compensation you may be entitled to may be reduced or you may not receive any at all depending upon the circumstances. If you wish to complain when you return home, write to the principal/supplier. You will see the name and address plus contact details in any confirmation documents we send you. We will of course assist you with this if you wish - please contact Customer Services. If the matter cannot be resolved and it involves us or another ABTA Member then you have the option to use ABTA’s ADR scheme, approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute, see You can also access the European Commission Online Dispute (ODR) Resolution platform at This ODR platform is a means of registering your complaint with us; it will not determine how your complaint should be resolved.

    The following table sets out additional rules that apply to bookings made in certain countries across Europe. The information contained in the table below will apply instead of any conflicting term in these Agency Terms.


    Specific provisions


    In the event you make a booking with us via telephone, via email, or via our website, you are entitled to change your mind within 14 days of making such booking. If you decide to change your mind, you must contact us and tell us that you are cancelling your holiday and we will refund to you any deposit paid. In certain circumstances, we may be required to use part of the deposit to hold flights or accommodation on your behalf within the first 14 days of your booking. We are entitled to deduct such costs from the monies we refund you.


    The cancellation charges applicable to a cancellation by you in accordance with clause 4 shall be as follows:

    Time period prior to departure date calculated from when written cancellation is received

    Sum of cancellation charge per person

    More than 90 days

    Deposit only

    Between 90 – 57 days

    55% of the total cost of the booking, or the deposit, whichever is greater

    Between 56 – 42 days

    75% of the total cost of the booking, or the or deposit, whichever is greater

    Between 41 – 14 days

    90% of the total cost of the booking, or the or deposit, whichever is greater

    Less than 13 days

    100% of total booking cost


    You may also cancel your booking with us in the event we increase the price of your booking by more than 8% or we have to make a Significant Change which includes the following:
    (i) changes when made before departure:
    (ii) a change of accommodation to that of a lower official classification or standard for the whole or a major part of the time you are away;
    (iii) a change of outward departure time or overall length of time you are away of twelve or more hours; or,
    (iv) a change of departure point to one which is more inconvenient for you (a change between airports within or around the same city) is not a Significant Change.
    In such sitautions you will be entitled to a refund of any payments made prior to the date of cancellation.


  1. Complaints and problems with OUR HOLIDAY CENTRE

    In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain or experience any problems with your arrangements whilst away, you must immediately inform our representative and the supplier of the service(s) in question. Any verbal notification must be put in writing and given to our representative and the supplier as soon as possible. Until we know about a problem or complaint, we or the supplier cannot begin to resolve it. If you are still not satisfied, you must write to us within 28 days of your return to the UK giving your booking reference, your contact details and full details of your complaint. For all complaints and claims which do not involve death, personal injury or illness, we regret we cannot accept liability if you fail to notify the complaint or claim entirely in accordance with this clause. Where we act only as agent for the Travel Suppliers we cannot accept any liability for your flight, accommodation or package holiday. Any assistance provided in resolving a complaint in relation to any such booking is provided on a goodwill basis and in our capacity as agent.

  2. Dispute Resolution

    Arrivia is a member of ABTA, the Travel Association (ABTA membership no. L6366/Y1932) Arrivia will primarily be using L6366 (Agency) for Cruise and Package bookings and only Y1932 (Principal) when booking single element travel. ABTA and ABTA members help holidaymakers to get the most from their travel and assist them when things do not go according to plan.
    We are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. For further information about ABTA, the Code of Conduct or the arbitration scheme available to you if you have a complaint, contact ABTA, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ, telephone: 0203 117 0500 or visit We can also offer you ABTA’s scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we can’t resolve your complaint, you can go to to use ABTA’s simple procedure. Further information on the Code and ABTA’s assistance in resolving disputes can be found on The Scheme can however deal with compensation claims which include an element of minor injury or illness subject to a limit of £1000 on the amount the arbitrator can award per person in respect of this element. The application for arbitration and statement of claim must be received by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute within 18 months of the date of return from the holiday. Outside this time limit arbitration under the Scheme may still be available if we agree, although the ABTA Code does not require such agreement.You can also access the European Commission Online Dispute (ODR) Resolution platform at This ODR platform is a means of notifying us of your complaint; it will not determine how your complaint should be resolved.This scheme does not apply to claims for an amount greater than £5,000 per person. There is also a limit of £25,000 per booking form. Neither does it apply to claims which are solely in respect of physical injury or illness or their consequences.

  3. Behaviour

    When you book with or through us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid direct at the time to the supplier of any travel services that combine an Arrivia booking or to the appropriate Travel Supplier where we book your travel arrangements as agent for such Travel Suppliers. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made against us (together with our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions.

  4. Conditions of suppliers

    Many of the services which make up your arrangements are provided by independent suppliers. The suppliers provide these services in accordance with their own terms and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you. Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available on request fomm ourselves or the supplier concerned.

  5. Special requests and medical problems

    If you have any special request, you must advise us at the time of booking. Although we will endeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, we regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability. We regret we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e, any booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request. All such bookings will be treated as “standard” bookings subject to the above provisions on special requests. If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability which may affect your arrangements, please tell us before you confirm your booking so that we can advise as to the suitability of the chosen arrangements. In any event, you must give us full details in writing at the time of booking. If we reasonably feel unable to properly accommodate the particular needs of the person concerned, we reserve the right to decline their reservation or, if full details are not given at the time of booking, cancel when we become aware of these details. Depending on how close to departure of your booking you inform us of such medical problems or disabilities cancellation charges may apply.

  6. Passports, visas and health requirements

    You are responsible for ensuring that you hold a valid passport, visa and all other requirements for your proposed destination and for ensuring that you are fit to travel and have taken the appropriate steps to ensure you have had all the necessary vaccinations and inoculations prior to departure – such requirements may change, so you must check the appropriate authorities for the most up-to-date requirements in good time before departure. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation. You must check passport and visa requirements with the Embassy or Consulate of the country(ies) to or through which you are intending to travel. If failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalties being imposed on us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly.
    Most countries now require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. If your passport is in its final year, you should check with the Embassy of the country you are visiting. For further information contact your Passport Office or other applicable governmental body.

  7. Accuracy of Prices and other published details

    Please note, the published information and prices may have changed by the time you come to book your arrangements. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of such information and prices at the time of printing, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen arrangements (including the price) with us at the time of booking. Where we act only as agent to the Travel Supplier we will have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation, including pricing errors except where those errors were made by ourselves.

  8. Delay

    Under Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 (“Regulations”), common rules have been established on compensation and assistance to passengers for denied boarding and cancellation of or long delay to flights. In the event that your flight is delayed or cancelled or you are denied boarding and wish to claim compensation under the Regulations, you have the right (in some circumstances) to make a claim directly against the airline in cases of denied boarding, cancellation or delay to flights. Full details of these rights will be publicised at EU airports and will also be available from airlines. Reimbursement in such cases is the responsibility of the airline and you will not automatically be entitled to a refund of your holiday cost from us. Your right to a refund and/or compensation from us is set out in clause 6. If your airline does not comply with these rules you should complain to the Air Transport Users’ Council on 020 7240 6061,

  9. Safety standards

    Please note that we aim to encourage the appropriate levels of safety standards from the businesses providing the services abroad. However, these businesses are subject to local and national laws of the country in which they operate and often the safety requirements and standards are generally lower than in the EEA.

  10. Flights

    The flight timings given on booking are for general guidance only and are subject to change. The latest timings will be shown on your confirmation invoice. However, the actual flight times will be those shown on your tickets which will be dispatched to you approximately two (2) weeks before departure. You must check your tickets very carefully immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It is possible that flight times may be changed even after tickets have been dispatched – we will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs. We are not always in a position to confirm the airline, aircraft type and airport of destination which will be used in connection with any flight included in your holiday prior to booking. When this information is provided at the time of booking or subsequently, it is subject to change. Any such change will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal charges.
    In accordance with EU Regulation 2111/2005 we are required to advise you on the actual carrier operating your flight/connecting flight/transfer and we do this by listing carriers to be used or likely to be used on our website or in our publication materials. Any changes to actual airlines after you have received your tickets will be notified to you are soon as possible and in all cases at check-in or at the boarding gate. Such a change is deemed to be a minor change. Other examples of minor changes include alteration of your outward/return flights by less than twelve (12) hours and changes to aircraft type.

  11. Variations

    Arrivia may assign these Booking Terms and Conditions to any third party and any such assignment shall be binding on customers. In the event that Arrivia needs to assign the booking to any third-party, the third-party will be a member of ATBA and capable of fulfilling your holiday. In the event that Arrivia needs to assign the booking to any third-party, the third-party will be a member of ATBA and capable of fulfilling your holiday.

  12. Governing law and disputes

    Except where the dispute is referred to arbitration, these Booking Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and be construed in accordance with English Law and the English Courts. You may however choose the law and jurisdiction of the country you reside in if you wish to do so. In cases of conflict or inconsistency, where these Booking Terms and Conditions are translated into a language other than English, the English text shall prevail.

  13. Data Protection and Privacy

    We shall process any personal data you provide to us for the purpose of providing you with the products and services you have requested and in accordance with our Privacy Notice. We may also record or monitor telephone calls to and from us for staff training and quality control purposes.

  14. Country Specific Rules

    The following table sets out additional rules that apply to bookings made in certain countries across Europe. The information contained in the table below will apply instead of any conflicting term in these General Terms and Conditions


    Specific provisions


    The times set out in section 1 of the General Terms and Conditions shall not apply and instead a 2 year time period shall apply from the date you return from your trip.
    Section 13 of the General Terms and Conditions will be amended in so far that we shall seek your consent to record any telephone call.


    We will send a reminder prior to final payment being due.


    The limitation of liability provisions in clause 10 of the General Terms and Conditions will not apply to booking made by Spanish customers.
    The times set out in section 1 of the General Terms and Conditions shall not apply and instead a 2 year time period shall apply from the date you return from your trip.
    In the case of any airline delays (as further set out in section 8 of the General Terms and Conditions) you are not required to bring a claim directly against the airline, and may contact us directly regarding such delay.


    In the event you make a booking with us either via telephone or via our website, you are entitled to change your mind within 14 days of making such booking. If you decide to change your mind, you must contact us and tell us that you are cancelling your holiday and we will refund to you the Booking Fee. In certain circumstances, we may be required to use part of the Booking Fee to hold flights or accommodation on your behalf within the first 14 days of your booking. We are entitled to deduct such costs from the monies we refund you.


    Section 12 of the General Terms and Conditions which relates to the time you can bring a claim against us is amended to include a requirement to bring any claims within 2 years from the date of booking (this date can be found on your Booking Confirmation).

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office and National Travel Health Network and Centre have up-to-date advice on staying safe and healthy abroad.
For the latest travel advice including security and local laws, plus passport and visa information, please visit
The advice can change so check regularly for updates.

Arrivia Europe Ltd. ("Arrivia") trading as iCruise and Our Holiday Centre, a company incorporated in England with company number 03793955 and ABTA numbers Y1932 and L6366, whose registered office is at Belmont House, 2nd Floor - Unit 3, 148 Belmont Road, Uxbridge, England, UB8 1QS. Arrivia Europe Ltd ABTA registration means you have the benefit of ABTA's assistance and Code of Conduct.
STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY ABROAD The Foreign & Commonwealth Office and National Travel Health Network and Centre have up-to-date advice on staying safe and healthy abroad. For the latest travel advice including security and local laws, plus passport and visa information, please visit The advice can change so check regularly for updates. Arrivia, Inc., Arrivia Europe Ltd., iCruise, Our Holiday Centre and related marks are registered trademarks and/or service marks in the United States and internationally. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2023 Arrivia Europe Ltd., All Rights Reserved.